Thousands of people rush to admire the beautiful art at The Louvre every day.

People wait hours in lines to get a glimpse of the Mona Lisa, the infamous painting by Leonardo di Vinci. A single picture, fixed and frozen in time, has admirers around the world.

Suppose the painting comes to life; what would happen?

The crowds will only increase; everyone will be fascinated to see what a moving, living Mona Lisa looks like.

When such a response is guaranteed for an iconic artwork like the Mona Lisa, can you imagine the reaction when mundane objects around us begin moving?

Well, you don't need to wonder a lot; animation is already helping bring ideas to life.

Animation refers to an art technique that creates the illusion of movement by going from frame to frame in a quickly timed sequence.

Known as the medium behind cartoons, the technique in animation follows a similar pattern to film, which allows it to capture motion.

Today, using animation in videos has expanded beyond cartoons; the technique is employed in business marketing campaigns, academics, and other online content.

Here are some of the best video animation services available in the market:

  • Explainer Videos

One of the prominent qualities of animation is that it allows people to create and show narratives. 

The flexibility of the medium helps artists animate any information and set it into motion.

Explainer videos take concepts or information and elaborate on the provided topic. Such videos exist to inform an audience or to correct any misconceptions or false details.

By taking written data and converting it to visual elements, the information gets broken down into simpler and digestible pieces.

The animation in such videos is straightforward. Rather than being visually appealing, the focus of the animation is to convert information into understandable graphics.

Two popular uses of explainer videos include:

  • Infomercials:

Used by several brands, infomercials are a form of video advertisement that help companies explain and sell their product simultaneously.

Infomercials are an amazing opportunity for brands to elaborate on new and old products, compare their design to others, and explain their service to new customers.

  • Educational Videos:

Schools have moved beyond their traditional practice of keeping textbooks.

Nowadays, educational institutions and online platforms use animated videos to illustrate their syllabus.

Research has confirmed that visualizing information leads to improved reception. 

As children find animations intriguing, using the artistic technique keeps younger students attentive toward lessons.

Among the types of animation videos available for learning, a popular style is whiteboard animations.

As the name states, whiteboard animations contain illustrations on a plain white background.

By having a simple setup, whiteboard animations resemble a classroom setting by having a board where a teacher explains concepts.

The style is popular among educational channels because witnessing something being drawn in front of you is eye-catching and effectively holds one's attention.

  • Entertainment and Film

Despite growing beyond this category, animation still holds an impactful position in the world of films and movies, they are still one of the best video animation services.

The field has witnessed its fair share of development with time; what started from hand-drawn animations has now become easier with software and devices designated for animation.

Big entertainment houses such as Disney classics, Pixar films, and Studio Ghibli productions have earned their spot in history by producing timeless animated movies in the past and even today.

Animation is prominent in the entertainment industry because the art technique captures emotions and stories with a beauty that cannot be replicated in real life.

Contrary to common misconception, animations are loved by children and adults.

Due to this, recent years have witnessed a significant increase in animated movies/ shows targeted towards an older audience; these include ‘The Simpsons,' ‘BoJack Horseman,' ‘Arcane,' and more.

  • Video Games

It might be a bold statement, but video games won't be as popular as they are today without animation.

While this doesn't mean we disregard the story building and effort it takes to construct games, animation requires its separate acknowledgment.

With almost 99% of games based on a fictional setting, animation helps create these fictional worlds from scratch, making them feel real.

The medium is responsible for bringing video game characters to life by giving them movements, reactions, and most importantly, emotions.

The complexity that animation adds to a game's characters helps the audience resonate with and understand the decisions of characters.

An animation illustrates a fictional world realistically. This is why, players feel the urge to explore new surroundings in games as they pique interest and welcome interactions.

  • Aerospace and Defense

Mentioning animation with aerospace and defense could seem confusing, as there appears to be no correlation between these three.

However, animation helps in both fields by improving training processes.

Training is a crucial step in the journey to becoming military personnel.

Trainees are exposed to situations and environments beyond their comfort zones to prepare for different challenges and scenarios.

Such training helps trainees become quick thinkers, problem solvers, and brave against tough circumstances.

However, constant training in airplanes and unforgiving environments isn't possible; it is costly, and having hundreds of trainees increases safety risks.

Introducing animated simulations has helped ease the above process.

Simulations place trainees in a virtual version of the mentioned training spots.

This way, a person can virtually drive a plane and learn to handle it without worrying about safety.

Animated simulations help correct trainee mistakes and help them learn without damage to property or people.

Summing It Up

The development and expansion of animation are evident through its diverse uses today.

No longer limited to cartoons, animations cater to business, military, education, and many other fields; the large-scale use of the medium shows its versatility.

Explaining, helping create, and presenting ideas have made the best video animation services a prominent choice across the globe.

Additionally, the aesthetic value and appeal of the medium help because it guarantees engagement and interaction from your audience.

As a result of its popularity and demand, many design firms and freelancers have begun offering video animation services today.